To The One Who Seeks…..

Peace be unto you.

For centuries, the visible and invisible mystery schools had the privilege and the power to access an ancient source of knowledge and to teach this knowledge to those who were deemed worthy of exposure to the Higher Truths. But it was necessary for such a potential student to pass several tests in order to prove, to himself as well as to those who were already Initiates, his true internal and external strength – his true will and his strongest perseverance. If the candidate passed the tests, he would be in a condition to be received among the enlightened ones.

Those tests, those proofs and those sworn and professed commitments, associated with the presence of the sacred forces invoked by the group, especially by the one who would establish the link between the visible and the invisible (transforming an act of pure theater in a sacred ritual), was, and still is called: Initiation.

We must try to understand this word in a sacred sense. It has nothing to do with belonging to a club or to a social or financial elite. It is something different – higher, more elevated. It is a need, a calling to serve, to serve All. It is the will to cooperate in the project of the Creator. 

We see, every day, hundreds of people being cheated in false traditions, huge superstitions, false religions.

We see, every day, people trying to find a way to their lives and going into paths that will not even give them hope.

We see, every day, injustice growing and true honor falling into disgrace; we see the Evil One raised upon an altar and the Divine Being criticized, ridiculed, and destroyed, then buried and trampled upon.

We see, every day, the rise of movements of the New Age, only making big plans composed of misunderstood teachings, using strange words to describe simple things, and making jokes about the Sacred, giving workshops about esoterism, and using that word to sell and sell and sell. 

True esoterism cannot be sold. It is conquered – slowly! – and in a process in which each person develops his own true Self, in order to achieve a higher comprehension of the reality of the world that surrounds us, and world beyond from which we have come. And to which we are destined to return….

A flower is not just a plant. It has life, colors, perfumes. It reacts to external stimuli like the sun and the rain. It is… Unique. Like a flower, each one of us is unique. Each has life, color, perfume. But more than that…each one of us is, as a divine spark, unique, but linked to all the other divine sparks. Like every grain of sand or every drop of water belongs to the planet earth; so thus we also belong to only one reality. All this must be truly comprehended in a full-scale manner, and not just in a limited way.

There is much to be done and little time to do it. The time is now! Not yesterday, and certainly not tomorrow. 

In Martinism, we can only give for free what we have received for free. The Truth. Not A truth… THE Truth!

If that is your true aspiration, if the Truth, and the Sacred Knowledge of Man’s origins and ultimate destiny are the desire of your innermost Heart, then the Ancient Martinist Order will put you on the sure Path to Illumination.

We hope with this website that your heart will be awakened. We hope that you open yourself to the knowledge of our Order and the true desire of its Tradition.

We hope one day you find your way in the Work of the Grand Design. May your steps conduct you to the Sacred Spring, the Source of all Life.

Yours before the Sacred Flambeaux,

The Chancellor of the Order