Welcome To Our Website!

Welcome to the website of the International Sovereign Council of the Ancient Martinist Order! Founded in 2000 A.D., the Order welcomes all sincere seekers who wish to explore their Divine Nature and access the Path of Reunion with the One Creator. This Path follows exactly the Doctrine of Reintegration as explained by the thaumaturge, Martines de Pasqualles, and the Mystic Christianity of his disciple, Louis-Claude de St. Martin.

The International Sovereign Council of the Ancient Martinist Order is the chief governing body for the Order worldwide, and as such, directs the work of the various Martinist bodies of the AMO. To contact any of our regional Co-Ordinators world-wide, please see the Contact Us page.

The International Sovereign Council also co-ordinates with the other Martinist Orders, and other esoteric groups, with which we are in communion. The names and contact information for these bodies can be found on our Links page.

This website constitutes the ONLY site for news and official information about the Ancient Martinist Order. Feel free to peruse the various pages, more of which will be added in due course. Feel free to contact us at any time. May the Blessings of the Eternal be with you always.

Sâr Christopher,
Sov::: Gr::: Master,
Ancient Martinist Order,

Spring Equinox, 2020