“The only initiation which I preach and seek with all the ardor of my soul,
is that by which we may enter into the heart of God,
and make God’s heart enter into us,
there to form an indissoluble marriage,
which will make us the friend, brother, and spouse of our divine Redeemer.
There is no other mystery, to arrive at this holy initiation,
than to go down more and more into the depths of our being,
and not let go till we can bring forth the living vivifying root….”
The French mystic, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, wrote this remarkable stanza more than two centuries ago, and since that time, it has inspired thousands upon thousands to seek the Inner Life, the Mystic Path, and to explore the mysteries of life and our purpose in being. Perhaps they have inspired you in your spiritual journey. Perhaps that is why you are here.
The Ancient Martinist Order, in addition to being a traditional Martinist Order in its rituals and its doctrine, was conceived with a special purpose. In 1994, our Brother Sâr Michael (Ronald V. Cappello) met with Brother Sâr Aurifer (Robert Ambelain) at his home in Paris, France. Sâr Aurifer expressed his concern that if the Martinist community did not achieve a cohesive unity, the Path of Martinism might disappear, and the way to Reintegration might be lost. Sâr Michael agreed, and took it upon himself to begin the arduous task of contacting various Martinist organizations with Sâr Aurifer’s message. Several years were to pass before Sâr Michael could see his work begin to coalesce. In 1999, he made the acquaintance of Sâr Quaero Lucis (John J. Cole) and together they began the planning and preliminary work to build the foundation of what was to become the Ancient Martinist Order.
Thus, on April 8th & 9th, 2000, a gathering of Martinist initiates was held in the Orient of Evansville, Indiana, USA. On that occasion, Martinist Initiators representing L’Ordre Martiniste du Papus of North America, L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchie – Canada, L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchie – Barbados, L’Ordre Martiniste des Chevaliers du Christ, and L’Ordre Martiniste Initiatic Reformé (USA delegation) came together in profound unity and fraternal love, and established the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Ancient Martinist Order, and installed the Grand Lodge Officers. By unanimous consent, Sâr Quaero Lucis was installed as our first Sovereign Grand Master.
It is not our desire to further fragment the community of Martinist initiates, but rather to project a sense of bringing the Martinist chain back to a closer unity. Today, with the explosion of the Internet, and the various forms of social media, Martinist Orders have multiplied – seemingly exponentially – many with ornately-designed websites, and their presence is keenly felt throughout cyberspace. This, naturally, would seem to make the work of Martinist Unity more difficult. On the other hand, we may feel confident that such an arrangement brings the message of Martinism and the NEED for Reintegration to many, many more people than would have been possible only a few decades ago – certainly more than could have been reached in the time of our Beloved Unknown Philosopher: Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin.
We cordially extend our arms in fraternal greetings and friendship to all Martinists, and desire to work closely with them on the Path of Reintegration which is the work, the aspiration, that we all hold in common. Peace be to you.
Before the Triple Flambeau,
Sâr Christopher,
International Sovereign Grand Master,
March 21st, 2020